wm‡×k¦ix evjK D”P gva¨wgK we`¨vjq
(¯‹zj A¨vÛ K‡jR)
77 wm‡×k¦ix, igbv, XvKv|
‡kÖwY: PZz_©
wm‡jevm Ñ 2023wLª:
bvg : ..................................................................
†kªwY : .............................. †ivj : .........................
welq t evsjv 1g cÎ
cÖ‡kœi gvb e›Ub t
1| kãv_© 1 × 10 = 10
2| KweZv wjLb 10 ´ 1 = 10
3| evK¨ MVb 1 × 5 = 5
4| k~b¨¯’vb 1 × 5 = 5
5| hy³eY© 1 × 5 = 5
6| GK K_vq DËi 1 × 5 = 5
7| wecixZkã 1 × 5 = 5
8| mwVK Dˇi wUK wPý `vI 2 × 5 = 10
9| wgjKiY 1 × 5 = 5
10| ms‡ÿ‡c cÖ‡kœi DËi (4wU) 5 ´ 4 = 20
11| m„Rbkxj CT 20
†gvU b¤^i = 100
Aa¨vq |
cvV¨m~Px |
M`¨ |
1| AvR‡K Avgvi QzwU PvB 2| exi‡kÖô exiMv_v 3| gnxqmx †iv‡Kqv 4| †gvevBj †dvb 5| nvZ ay‡q bvI| |
c`¨ |
1| ‡bgš¿Y 2| Av‡evj Zv‡evj 3| †gv‡`i evsjv fvlv| |
Aa¨vq |
cvV¨m~Px |
M`¨ |
1| evIqvwj‡`i Mí 2| cvwLi RMr 3| cvVvb gyjy‡K 4| Ny‡i Avwm †mvbvi Mvu 5| cvnvocyi 6| wjwci Mí 7| Lwjdv nhiZ Dgi (iv:) |
c`¨ |
1| KvRjv w`w` 2| gv 3| exicyiæl| |
welq t evsjv 2q cÎ
beaviv evsjv e¨vKiY I wbwg©wZ
cÖ‡kœi aviv I gvb eÈb t
1| e¨vKiY
2| fve-m¤cÖmviY
3| Aby‡”Q`
4| mvivsk
5| wPwV ev `iLv¯Í
6| iPbv
Aa¨vq |
cvV¨m~Px |
e¨vKiY |
1| aŸwb 2| eY© 3| gvÎv 4| Kvi I djv 5| hy³e‡Y©i MVb I e¨envi 6| mwÜ we‡”Q` 7| evK¨ |
GK K_vq cÖKvk |
1| c„ôv 115, |
evMaviv |
1| c„ôv: 120, 121 (A-P, Q, R) |
fvem¤úªmviY |
1| B”Qv _vK‡j Dcvq nq 2| cwikÖg †mŠfv‡M¨i cÖm~wZ |
mvivsk |
1| mgq I †mªvZ ........ 2| †QvU †QvU evjy KYv...... |
wPwV/`iLv¯’ |
1| wcZvi wbKU UvKv ‡P‡q cÎ wjL 2| wZb w`‡bi QzwU †P‡q cÖavb wkÿ‡Ki Kv‡Q `iLv¯Í |
iPbv |
1| Avgv‡`i we`¨vjq 2| evsjv‡`‡ki loFZz| |
Aa¨vq |
cvV¨m~Px |
e¨vKiY |
1| kã 2| c` cwieZ©b 3| wj½ 4| wµqvi Kvj 5| KviK 6| wecixZ kã 7| mgv_©K kã |
GK K_vq cÖKvk |
1| c„ôv-115 |
evMaviv |
1| c„ôv: 121, 122 ( U,V,W †_‡K n ch©šÍ) |
fvem¤úªmviY |
1| wkÿvB RvwZi †giæ`Û 2| PwiÎ gvby‡li Ag~j¨ m¤ú` |
mvivsk |
1| gvZ…‡¯œ‡ni Zzjbv bvB......... 2| ‡Kv_vq ¯^M© †Kv_vq biK ..... |
wPwV/`iLv¯’ |
1| evwl©K cixÿvi djvdj Rvwb‡q †Zvgvi wcZvi wbKU cÎ wjL| 2| Rwigvbv gIKz‡di Rb¨ cÖavb wkÿ‡Ki Kv‡Q GKwU Av‡e`b cÎ wjL| |
iPbv |
1| QvÎ Rxeb 2| mg‡qi g~j¨ 3| Avgv‡`i MÖvg |
Subject : English 1st Paper
Selected Books : English for today, Popy advance Grammar and Composition with model Question, The Grammar Tree
Type of question and marks distribution:
Seen Compositions
1. Matching and joining 5 x 1 = 5
2. Choose the correct Answer 5 x 1 = 5
3. True/False 5 x 1 = 5
4. Fill in the blanks 5 x 1 = 5
5. Question’s Answer 5 x 2 = 10
6. Poem 10 x 1 = 10
7. Paragraph 10 x 1 = 10
8. Dialogue 10 x 1 = 10
9. Grammar 4 x 5 = 20
10. Letter/Application 10 x 1 = 10
11. Translation 10 x 1 = 10
Total 100
Half-Yearly Exam
Syllabus |
English For Today |
Poem |
Paragraph |
Dialogue |
1. Make a dialogue with your friends about sports, 2. Make a dialogue with a waiter of a restaurant about breakfast. 3. Make a dialogue with a sales person of a bookshop for buy some stuffs. |
Annual Exam
Syllabus |
English For Today |
Poem |
Paragraph |
Dialogue |
1. Make a dialogue with your mother about your dinner. 2. Make a dialogue with your friend about your holidays after exam. 3. Make a dialogue with your teacher about occupations. |
English 2nd Paper
Type of Question and marks distribution
1. Question Answer 2 ´ 5 = 10
2. Number Change 5 ´ 1 = 5
3. Fill in the blank with preposition